the weblog of Alan Knox

How did this search reach my blog?

Posted by on Dec 8, 2009 in elders | 3 comments

So, someone recently reached my blog by searching for the phrase “can pastors keep leftover money in professional expense accounts.”

Now, I’m not surprised that someone would be searching for this phrase. I mean, times are tough economically. Why wouldn’t a vocational pastor keep the money he didn’t spend? Or, why wouldn’t a church want to make sure that money stays in the bank?

No, I’m not surprised that someone would be searching for this phrase. But, I’m astonished that some search engine pointed them to my blog. I think the search algorithm needs to be tweaked.


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  1. 12-8-2009

    It is always funny to see how people stumble onto my blog. I am guessing many of them don’t come back.

  2. 12-8-2009

    Well, expect it to come up more often now!

  3. 12-8-2009


    Yes, it is. I usually look through the searches and think, “Well, that person didn’t find what he was looking for!”


    Possibly. 🙂
