the weblog of Alan Knox

Wednesday Afternoon Worship Service

Posted by on Dec 16, 2009 in service, worship | 2 comments

Last Saturday, our family visited with friends in “the Neighborhood.” We spent some time with Mrs. W. and her son B. We’ve known them and have been spending time with them for just over a year and a half. But, something different happened last Saturday.

Usually, after we talk to people for a while, we ask them if we can do anything for them. Mrs. W. has always answered, “No, we’re fine.”

But, Saturday, for the first time, she said that she could use some help cleaning her apartment. I told her that we could ask our friends to help us clean her apartment, but since it’s so close to Christmas and New Years, it may be a couple of weeks before we can do anything.

That was fine with her.

But, it was not fine for my wife Margaret.

So this afternoon, Margaret, our daughter, and a friend of ours went to Mrs. W.’s apartment and cleaned it – sweeping, mopping, dusting, picking up, everything she needed. This was a service that Mrs. W. can never return or repay! What a great example to all of us of worshiping God by serving someone in need!


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  1. 12-17-2009

    Praise the Lord! I remember hearing a sermon by David Wilkerson of Times Square Church a few years ago – he pointed out an Old Testament Scripture where it said something to this effect ‘Moses leaned on his staff and worshipped God’. Moses didn’t sing, he just leaned on his staff. I’m ashamed to say it, but that was the first time I realised that worshipping God doesn’t have to be expressed in song. It’s a heart attitude expressed in any kind of service to Him.

  2. 12-17-2009


    Yes. And as we read in Matthew 25, when we serve those who are in need, we serve Jesus.



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