the weblog of Alan Knox


Posted by on Jan 1, 2010 in discipleship | 3 comments

I don’t normally make New Years resolutions, and I’ve resolved not to make resolutions this year. Now, if you want to make New Years resolutions, that’s great! I simply choose not to do so.

But, it is good to reflect on your life. As a follower of Jesus, it’s good to compare your life to what we read about in Scripture and to ask yourself in which direction God is leading you. New Years (and every day really) is a good time to do this.

So, where am I? And, where is God leading me?

Currently, I’m in a pretty good place. My family is doing well. God has surrounded me with wonderful brothers and sisters in Christ who are taking their responsibility to one another (including me) seriously. I have a couple of really good jobs – although, I would prefer to have a different job, but I’m learning to be content in that as well.

I have a big decision coming up within the next two months. I’ve been invited (along with three of my brothers from Messiah Baptist Church) to spend two weeks in Ethiopia in July. We would be helping several churches in a region of that country. So, by February, I have to decide if I’m going or not. (I’ll write more about this later.)

So, what is my resolution this year? The same as it has been every year, and every day: attempt to live my life in a way that brings glory to God by loving and serving other people. That could happen in North Carolina, or in Ethiopia, or anywhere else God leads me.

What will that look like in the next year? I have no idea.


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  1. 1-1-2010

    My New Years resolution a few years back was to never make a New Years resolution again… it’s been tough… but I’m still sticking with that one. 🙂

    Seriously tho… a daily desire to follow God’s leading is my desire. To be tuned into the the plans He has for me.

    I pray you’ll find peace with knowing God’s will with your trip decision.

  2. 1-2-2010

    All good “resolutions.”

    I have a dear friend whose birthday is January 1. For years she has chosen to spend the time immediately after the clock strikes midnight into the new year to be alone with her Lord Jesus, primarily to hear Him for her coming year. Each year He faithfully talks with her. She then has the joy, all year long, watching Him unfold what He has spoken to her. I really like that idea. I think this is better than any resolution(s), whenever one chooses to do it.

  3. 1-2-2010


    I like this idea!
