the weblog of Alan Knox

Prospectus News

Posted by on Feb 9, 2010 in personal | 2 comments

This afternoon, I received news that the evaluation committee passed my prospectus. (A prospectus is a detailed description and plan for writing a dissertation.) So, I am now officially working on my dissertation.

For those who may be interested, the title of my dissertation will be “Mutual Edification as the Purpose of the Assembled Church in the New Testament: A Study in Biblical Theology.”

For those who may be even more interested, here is a succinct outline:

  1. Introduction
  2. History of Interpretation
  3. Historical Background
  4. Analysis of Primary New Testament Passages
  5. Analysis of Secondary New Testament Passages
  6. Synthesis
  7. Conclusion


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  1. 2-9-2010


    Congratulations! I know you have worked hard on this. Keep it up!

  2. 2-9-2010

    Thanks, Eric.
