the weblog of Alan Knox

Last call: Toward a Bigger Church Contest Reminder

Posted by on Apr 19, 2010 in unity | 3 comments

A few weeks ago, in my post “New Contest: Toward a Bigger Church,” I introduced a new contest that I’m running on my blog.

The purpose of this contest is to answer the following question: How do we reach across the man-made boundaries that are currently keeping the church “small”?

If you would like to take part in this contest, send me an email at explaining how you would reach across man-made boundaries in order demonstrate and maintain relational unity with other brothers and sisters in Christ. You can write about actual experiences that you’ve had, or you can write about suggestions to help the church move toward relational unity.

I will accept email contest entries through TODAY, Monday, April 18, 2010. The person who writes the winning entry will receive a free copy of Armstrong’s book Your Church is Too Small.


Comments are closed. If you would like to discuss this post, send an email to alan [at] alanknox [dot] net.

  1. 4-19-2010

    My Answer: “stop having church as we know it” We will never get “church” right. Repackaging and breaking boundaries aint it. The only hope is to stand up on a Sunday morning and say, “Everything that we cannot support biblically begins its exit today. If church leadership cannot yield to the leading of The Spirit and be willing to stop this thing we call Sunday Service, then I submit all hope is lost.

  2. 4-19-2010


    I appreciate your comment. Unfortunately, I think that so many believers have been trained to rely on their leaders and that separating from other believers is godly. It may take some “untraining” to help people understanding their unity in Christ with all children of God.


  3. 4-20-2010


    I simply want to say that the BIGGEST (if you get my drift) church I’ve ever had the joy to be involved in, only had fifteen members.