the weblog of Alan Knox

Church in the Wildwood

Posted by on May 4, 2010 in community, fellowship, gathering | Comments Off on Church in the Wildwood

Okay… not really the wildwood… but in a few weeks, our church will be gathering together at a local campground. We’ll be camping together beginning Saturday, May 15 through Sunday, May 16.

I always love camping with the church. We get to spend so much time with one another, and I always get to know one or two people better than I had before.

I think one of my favorite times camping is the evening camp fire. Just about the time it gets dark, we circle our chairs around the fire and eat S’mores, and sing, and eat S’mores, and share stories, and eat S’mores, and tell jokes, and eat S’mores, and praise God, and eat S’mores. Occasionally, we’ll also eat S’mores.

If you want to camp with us – or even just join us for part of Saturday evening (the camp fire) or Sunday morning – let me know and I’ll give you more details.

And, if you haven’t thought about it before, why not trying camping with your church – or even just a few families if its not something that can be done in your church situation.