the weblog of Alan Knox

Four Very Good Questions

Posted by on May 4, 2010 in blog links, discipleship | 2 comments

My friend Adam at “Adamic” has asked four very good question in his post “In my mind.” Here are his questions:

  • Should churches be smallish, totally participatory, and more “organic”? Or does the Bible teach a more structured church gathering, with a preacher and (mostly) without verbal participation from the congregation? Or does it teach neither and allow for either?
  • How much “liturgy” is unhelpful? Is there a place in a Baptist church for regular, even if not weekly, recitation of an ancient creed and/or the Lord’s Prayer?
  • On a related note, how can we Baptists point to the collective, universal church in our services? And should we broaden our corporate prayer to include more intentional prayer for those outside of our church and even outside of the Church?
  • And, here’s a fun one, what exactly is the gospel? Is it primarily about how we’re saved, or is it that Jesus is Lord?

Why not jump over to his blog and share your own answers?


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  1. 5-4-2010

    Straight to the last– After some – many- years, my general understanding is now that the gospel is “God is here.” I might well revise that given 5 minutes, but I’ll stick to it for now.

  2. 5-4-2010

    Thanks for the link, Alan! 😉