Something is different since Pentecost
According to Luke, something happened on the Pentecost following Jesus’ death, resurrection, ascension. He records Peter and the other followers of Jesus telling everyone who would listen that the Holy Spirit had come, just as God has promised. Peter said that the same promise was available to all who repented and were baptized in the name of Jesus.
Needless to say… this was something different… something new.
Today, the promised Holy Spirit is still given to God’s children. Being indwelled by the Spirit makes us different, both individually and when we’re together. Our lives (personally and corporately) should demonstrate this difference.
We should be different than we were before we were indwelled by the Spirit, and we should be different than the people and groups around us who are not indwelled by the Spirit.
It also makes very aware as we progress in our salvation of the indwelling sin within.
I would be interested to hear your take on the following question. I grew up in a charismatic church in Kansas, where it was taught that being spirit filled was an experience separate from salvation, and one had to accept baptism in the Holy Spirit, again separate from salvation. Of course there was plenty of pride to go along with being the Spirit Filled ones, and plenty of secret disdain for those who weren’t “in the know”, so to speak. As I have walked outside those bounds I no longer believe that, and certainly don’t agree with the arrogance that we had (even though we would’ve denied it at the time), but I just wondered what your thoughts were.