the weblog of Alan Knox

Removing Stones

Posted by on Jun 29, 2010 in blog links, missional | 2 comments

Removing Stones

You won’t find many story-tellers better than “Strider” at “Tales from Middle Earth.” His latest story is called “Picking Up Stones.”

In this true story (with names changed), Strider tells of gospel proclamation through showing the “Jesus” film as well as personal interaction, and gospel demonstration through digging wells.

I love the way he weaves the theme of “picking up stones” through the story. There are the stones they must be removed in order to dig the well deep enough, but there are also spiritual stones that would keep people from believing the good news of Jesus Christ.

Could it be that removing the physical stones is helping to remove the spiritual stones? Read his story, and see what you think.


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  1. 6-29-2010


    “…living stones, are built up a spiritual house,..”

    Sometimes the best living stones are dug from amongst the most ordinary and difficult rocks, but patience and dedication to the task is necessary.

  2. 7-3-2010

    I just checked my Stat counter and found numerous hits from this article. Thanks for the link! We continue to move stones both physical and spiritual. I pray that Aussie John will be found to have been prophetic in that we will see a beautiful spiritual house erected in southern Gondor.