the weblog of Alan Knox

Studying “The Word of God”

Posted by on Jul 6, 2010 in blog links, scripture | 7 comments

Studying “The Word of God”

Have you thought much about the phrase “the Word of God?” Jon at “Jon’s Journey” is starting just such a study in his post “Word Study on Word of God.”

Although in this post Jon is simply listing passages with the phrase “word of God,” he is suggesting that “Word of God” does not equate with “Scripture” or “Bible,” especially not as we may think of “Scripture” and “Bible” today.

It’s an interesting study, and one that many people would not tackle. But I’m glad that Jon has decided to study “the Word of God.”

What do you think? Does “Word of God” equal “Scripture” or “Bible” or something else?


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  1. 7-6-2010

    It can never mean the “bible” LOL. However, it could mean writings that were considered scripture, or it could mean a spoken word from God (through the medium of prophets/prophecy) or it could mean Jesus Himself.

  2. 7-6-2010

    Joh 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

    I would think the Word of God is “GOD”.

  3. 7-6-2010

    ditto to those above this post. As I read through the scriptures from the other web page it became clearer that “word of God” is more likely Christ in most cases than the “scriptures.” How cool!


  4. 7-6-2010

    It’s definately not the bible/scriptures its Someone else Who we need to study and follow in action, attitude, word and deed. I’m finding this to be more challenging, exciting, difficult and fulfilling than civil religion ever was, oh what a difference.

  5. 7-6-2010

    Sounds like we all agree that we can’t equate “Word of God” with “Scripture” or “Bible.” Of course, that means we have to be very careful how we interpret and apply the phrase “Word of God” when we read it in Scripture. I’m sure we’ll looking forward to Jon’s follow-up posts.


  6. 7-7-2010

    I’m glad that Jon has decided to study “the Word of God.”


    Thanks for adding that, I like the double meaning.

    Maybe I’m just slow, but I suspect there may be others who have not clued into how we’ve change the language to have a second meaning. I’m not concluding that God doesn’t speak through the Bible… so in that sense it can also be the Word of God… but yeah we often confuse people with our words… just like saying “Did you GO to church” confuses our understanding of what church is.

    Thanks Alan for helping “get the word out”.

    God bless!

  7. 7-8-2010

    I agree with above. The Word of God is Christ, and the fullness thereof is only found in Him. He has given us a sampling of The Word in the form of the bible. I think the study would be interesting, and I look forward to reading Jon’s posts.