the weblog of Alan Knox

I saw he went to church

Posted by on Aug 25, 2010 in discipleship | 4 comments

Eric left a comment on my post called “He went to church.” He called the comment “I saw he went to church,” and it is exactly what I was hoping people would think about when they read my post. You see, it’s easy to read something like my post and point fingers at other people. But, Eric put the problem right where it exists… with each one of us.

Here is Eric’s comment:


I saw he went to church

I noticed my neighbor’s recently emptied home. He doesn’t seem to look up and wave when we drive by any more. I noticed he was often out washing his car while we passed by going to church.  I thought “he should be going to church, not washing his car”. Now his home is emptied and he is suffering the consequences. I wondered if I should ask him to go to church. But then, a strange thing happened. He came to church! I am certain he looked at the carefully placed “How to Become A Christian” section of the bulletin. It’s right on the front! He listened intently to the pastor’s sermon, so I know he heard what I think he needed to hear. He even gave money during the offering time, so I know he must have been blessed by the praise songs. I didn’t get to talk to him because we had to hurry to the restaurant for lunch, but Deacon Smith said his family sat by him and said it was great to meet him. So, I am sure he felt welcome. I am glad I saw that he went to church.

I sure felt better knowing he wasn’t home washing his car. He is finally getting right with God.


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  1. 8-25-2010

    Boy, that comment jumps up and slaps us in the face, doesn’t it?

  2. 8-25-2010


    I hope it does. 😉


  3. 8-25-2010


    That justified the writers Sabbatarian position. Going to church makes everything right!

  4. 8-26-2010

    Aussie John,

    I’ve talked to people who would agree with your last statement: “Going to church makes everything right.”
