the weblog of Alan Knox

I Want to be a Broken Record

Posted by on Aug 4, 2010 in discipleship | 5 comments

I Want to be a Broken Record

I’m guessing that some of my readers don’t know what a record is. A record is a vinyl disk used to play music before the invention of cassettes and CDs. When the record was scratched, the needle on the record player would skip. When it skipped backwards, the player would repeat the same thing over and over again, until someone stopped it.

I want to be a broken record.

You see, there are alot of important things in this work and in my life as a follower of Jesus Christ. But, if it is most important to make disciples and be discipled, then I want to be a broken record asking people, “Are you making disciples? Are you being discipled?”

If the person cannot answer, “Yes,” to these questions and if they cannot point out specific people who are discipling them and who they are discipling, then there’s something wrong. So, I will encourage them to build discipling relationships. And, the next time I see them, I will ask, “Are you making disciples? Are you being discipled?”

I think, eventually, the people who know me will understand how important I think discipleship is. Or… they’ll get tired of hanging around me.


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  1. 8-4-2010


    I’ll have you know that Stephanie and I have a large collection of vinyl and are only in our 20’s!

    But seriously, you make a great point. Thanks.


  2. 8-4-2010

    I was going to just click the ‘like’ button… but unfortunately that’s not completely accurate. I like the point you are making, but I don’t like how it makes me feel. I’m far from where I want to be. I have been praying that God would bring the right people into my life on both ends of this disciplining spectrum. Someone with the wisdom and gentleness to handle some of my crazy thoughts as I deconstruct my religion. And others that I can start putting into practice the things that God has been teaching me (specifically that our faith depends more on walking in relationship with others than learning academic knowledge together). Thanks for reminding me where I should be… I think. 🙂

  3. 8-4-2010


    Even I don’t own vinyl… and I’m old.


    We all need those people. Keep praying and keep your eyes open. God will bring them into your life. I’ve found that they’re sometimes the people you least expect. But, if we approach all relationships as possible discipling relationships, it’s amazing what God will do.


  4. 8-4-2010


    It thrills me no end to read those words, but they hurt also, because my wife and I are close to being immobile these days, which limits our opportunities.

    You are old?? What does that make me?

    We do have a heap of vinyls, mostly hymns and spiritual songs.

  5. 8-5-2010

    My brother-in-law just donated his collection of classical vinyls to a large university; they were delighted and sent him a $17,000 income tax receipt. And thriving new record stores (selling old records) are popping up in a lot of places, too. Apparently vinyls are still valued (which should be some comfort to those of us who grew up in the golden age of records!)

    Thankfully, discipling continues to be valued too – despite the tech-toy glitter of “hipster Christianity” that often seems to be burying it as a relic of times past.