the weblog of Alan Knox


Posted by on Aug 25, 2010 in blog links, discipleship | 8 comments

Do you know what happens when you question someone’s traditions or you question the status quo? Eric from “A Pilgrim’s Progress” knows, and he writes about it in his post “If you Challenge the Status Quo…

Speaking of church traditions, Eric says:

If you open your bibles and then look at your church, you will most likely see some inconsistencies. In some churches there are few; in others there are almost too many to count. When you point these things out, the following ten things will happen from at least some people:

-You will not be welcomed.

-You will be scorned.

-You will be talked about behind your back.

-You will be ignored.

-It will be labeled divisive.

-You won’t be trusted anymore.

-You will face rejection.

-You will be told that you just don’t understand.

-You will be told to trust those in authority.

-You will be told that it was that way then, but it is this way now.

Yep. Eric’s right. I’ve seen all of those reactions.

Although, I have noticed that people will be more likely to listen to you if they actually know you (you share your life with them and vice versa) and if your life is a good example of godliness.

What do you think? Have you faced any of these reactions? Have you reacted this way before?


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  1. 8-25-2010

    Yes – evry single response listed I have experienced to a lesser or greater degree. I have also been ‘asked to leave’ – which, as it happens, I believe is the most honest response on their part!

  2. 8-25-2010


    I’ve witnessed all of those responses as well. I’ve responded in most of those ways myself also.


  3. 8-25-2010


    I’ve either seen or experienced all of those Eric has mentioned, and one important one he hasn’t.

    It is the quiet, methodical attempt to undermine a ministry, which, when not being successful, breaks out in verbal rage and false accusations. Not very pleasant I can assure you.

    I pray that the Eric will be strengthened to withstand whatever comes.

    The evil one loves the traditional church just the way she is!

  4. 8-25-2010

    I was an elder in our former church, and was mostly ignored when my understanding of the church began to change and I attempted to influence others toward that understanding. We left when it became obvious that that church was completely institutionalized and would never change.

  5. 8-25-2010

    The August 2010 issue of _Christianity Today_ had an noteworthy article called “To Serve is to Suffer” by Ajith Fernando. Excellent treatise on what true leadership is. Here’s a quote from that article: “We don’t tell people to find another place of service when they rebel against us. We labor with them until we come to agreement or agree to disagree. When people leave the church because they do not fit the program, it communicates a deadly message: that our commitment is to the work and not the person, that our unity is primarily in the work and not in Christ and the gospel. The sad result is that Christians do not have the security of a community that will stay by them no matter what happens.”
    Often times those labeled rebels are right or at least partly right and those labeled leaders are lacking in humility, longsuffering, and listening skills. So it isn’t surprising when the things Eric described happen to people in that situation. One of the best ways to know if you have a leader worthy of following is to watch how they react when someone disagrees with them.

  6. 8-26-2010


    I’ve certainly faced some of these, seen others face some of them, and have reacted in like manner of some of them. Another thing that can happen is that the person/people doing the questioning can be seen as coming from a spiritually inferior position, and an arrogance can develop in those that hold the status quo. I’ve looked at people that way before.

  7. 8-26-2010

    The quote Rod uses is scary.

  8. 8-26-2010

    Thanks for the comments, everyone!


    Thanks for the article. I found the article and will link to it in my next post.



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