the weblog of Alan Knox

Stepping through his reasoning

Posted by on Sep 30, 2010 in blog links, elders | 3 comments

As I told you last week, my friend Eric from “A Pilgrim’s Progress” told us that he resigned from professional pastoring. This week, he wrote a post in which he explained his “Reasoning for Resigning.”

In his post, Eric steps through the reasons that he chose to resign from professional pastoring, and the reasons have to do with Scripture, not burn-out, or anger or maltreatment, or anything like that.

Now, I know that many who read here (or at least some) will disagree with Eric’s conclusions. But, you can tell that he is attempting to live according to his interpretation of Scripture and to be true to his convictions. Actually, I’ve talked to many pastors who have come to the same conclusion as Eric regarding professional pastoring, but they have not taken the next step – the step that Eric has chosen to take in resigning.

I hope that Eric continues to post about his decisions and his life. Specifically, I asked him to tell us how he sees non-professional pastoring working in the church today.


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  1. 9-30-2010


    I applaude Eric’s decision. I was one of those who were so convicted, but remained in the “safety” of the paid position using fairly typical excuses (family, etc.), which, on later reflection, actually made the teaching I gave on the matter seem fallacious.

    Remaining in the pastoral position gave those who opposed such thinking the weapons which cause my wife, family and myself, some very traumatic times, from which we resigned.

    A move of the Holy Spirit in some I had previously taught, caused them to begin another fellowship in which I was invited to take a formative part, and in which we spent the remaining ten years, until ill health forced retirement. Those ten years were the best years of a long life fully engaged in church work.

    We were never left in need, although asking for nothing. Seven years later, even though 120 miles away from that continuing part of the Body of Christ, we are still as close as a family can be.

    God is faithful! To Him be the glory!

  2. 9-30-2010

    Aussie John,

    Thank you for sharing your experience with us. What would you recommend for someone who does not think that “pastoring” is a vocation, but also finds himself employed in that vocation?


  3. 9-30-2010


    I cannot say what another should do, but, in the light of my own thoughts and convictions, I personally, would find myself having no option but to resign, trusting the Holy Spirit to lead into a situation of His choosing.