The Purpose of Participation

For the last few yeas, our church gatherings have been more participatory – meaning, more people take part in the speaking, teaching, edifying, encouraging, etc. that happens during our church meetings.
However, participation is not an end in itself. Our goal is not increased participation from the body of Christ. Our goal when meeting together is mutual edification (1 Corinthians 14:26; Hebrews 10:24-25). We allow and encourage many people to take part in our meetings because we understand that God works through all of his children (mutual) in order to help us all walk in maturity in Christ (edification).
So, a participatory meeting is not our goal, but a tool that God uses to build up his children when the church meets.
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- After the Worship Conference – Sept. 2 | Called Out In Kansas - [...] The Purpose of Participation | The Assembling of the Church. [...]
- Participation and Worship | The Assembling of the Church - [...] “After the Worship Conference.” He this post Mark also comments on my post “The Purpose of Participation” as well…
so glad you posted this. how subtle the adversary can be. if we are not careful it will still be us building our kingdom.
Very important, and Biblical, distinction
Yes, it’s easy to get distracted.
Aussie John,
I hope so. Thanks.
I like this, it’s the same as the whole idea of community: if the community is not centered in Christ then it is pointless, it seems like we have a tenancy to get more wrapped up in the practices than the purposes. BTW I am doing a series on every member participation.
This post opened my eyes, and so now I have to ask a question. Have you seen a growth in maturity in your community as you have had more participatory meetings? I totally agree that our goal is to be like Christ, but I realize, after your post, that having participatory meetings doesn’t automatically mean we will become more like Christ, any more than we would’ve otherwise. I’m curious what your experience has been.
Thanks Alan, A key point to recognize. It’s not just doing church differently for the sake of being different. Hope it’s OK I just copy and paste to my blog as I’m organizing my thoughts on the same topic. Thanks.
Thank you for reminding me about your post! I have it “starred”, but haven’t linked to it yet. That will soon be remedied. 🙂
While maturity is difficult to measure, I would say that people are maturing. People who have met with us (visiting the area or with friends/family) have talked about the maturity of the people that we meet with. I’ve asked someone else (who has been a part of our church) to reply to your comment. I hope he has the time.
Yes, it’s always okay for your (or anyone else) to copy my posts.