the weblog of Alan Knox

What keeps us from having a kingdom mindset?

Posted by on Sep 13, 2010 in blog links, missional | 5 comments

Great points to ponder from Dave Black this morning (Monday, September 13, 2010 at 7:57 a.m.):

Last night Ronnie asked me a very important question. “What is it that keeps us from having a kingdom mindset?” We talked about the distractions of TV, football season, pleasure, comfort. I added into the mix: the church. As long as we continue to tithe to ourselves, as long as we overlook the fact that the gathering must always lead to the going, as long as we prioritize our programs and our successful ministries over making a tangible difference in the world for Christ we will never have a kingdom mindset. The greatest problem that most churches face today is not that they aren’t doing anything. They do plenty. The problem is that they’re not doing the right thing (Phil. 1:27), preferring soft cushions over Bibles in India. And the greatest danger most pastors face is not that they aren’t doing anything. They’re far too busy! It’s that they don’t do the essential things. Their purpose is to equip God’s people for works of service. The clear command of our Lord is to go to the world.

I think it’s vitally important that we stop playing the “Look how great my church is” game. I know, because I often play it myself. Oh, what a high view of the church we must have! But we must never view church as an end in itself: she is a means to an end!

The church is a means to an end. What end? The mission of God. And, as long as we focus on ourselves, we will not be accomplishing God’s mission.


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  1. 9-13-2010

    Hi Alan,

    What I hear you saying is that God’s mission,is to have His church reach/touch the world. The church is the means not the ends.

    I think that His church/bride is the mission/ends and the means is reaching/touching the world with His life in us.

    When He comes to take His bride it won’t be to continue touching the world but to live & breath fellowship with Him.


  2. 9-15-2010

    Hi David,

    So what I hear YOU saying is that our goal is not to live and breath fellowship with Him since Christ has not returned so instead we bicker and argue about how this Great Commission, that wasn’t actually given to us, but the apostles (those sent out) is supposed to be fulfilled.

    As a Preterist I am often asked what hope is there if all has been fulfilled? Well, I think you just answered it without even realizing it. We are to now live and breath fellowship with Him. What a concept! How Exciting! This Kingdom Mindest thing I really hope catches on! Sounds so blissful, doesn’t it? Won’t you join me in fellowship with Him today?

  3. 9-16-2010

    Hi Chad,

    Sorry for not being clear re: “When He comes to take His bride it won’t be to continue touching the world but to live & breath fellowship with Him” I beleive that this IS God’s purpose for the church now and will continue to be for all eterinity.


  4. 10-9-2010

    Hello David,

    Sorry for the delay I lost the url for this site. Anyway, my point was that Christ has come and has delivered His bride to the Father already. So it is from then until forever more we shall live and breath fellowship with him. Paul said the gospel was preached “to all nations”, “to every creature under heaven”. Jesus said when that happened the end would come. It CAME! In 70AD The physical Kingdom of Isreal…the Old Jerusalem…was destroyed. We live and breath fellowship with Him in the New Jerusalem the heavenly spiritual Kingdom of God. The Kingdom that cannot be shaken. We are in it TODAY!!!!! Rejoice and Praise God forever more! We are redeemed!!!

  5. 10-9-2010

    Unless I am still reading you wrong?