the weblog of Alan Knox

Which one is worshiping?

Posted by on Sep 4, 2010 in worship | 2 comments

A man is singing songs with his hands raised.

A woman is giving food to a homeless family.

A young girl is sharing her toys with a neighbor.

A boy is working on his homework.

Someone is reading the Bible.

Another person is sitting quietly and meditating.

Someone else is teaching or preaching.

Finally, an employee is at work.

Which one is worshiping?

Of course, it’s a trick question. It could be none of them, or all of them, or some of them.


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  1. 9-4-2010

    I have returned to read after several months away. I stopped reading your blog because it was too busy – things moving around with mouse movements etc… This format is very nice and enjoyable. I will return.

    In answer to the above question – all or none or some. Since worship is a matter of heart – it is to be all action we do in living.

  2. 9-4-2010


    I would have to answer similarly to Iris.

    Depends very much on why they are doing it.