the weblog of Alan Knox

Be Prepared

Posted by on Oct 10, 2010 in edification, gathering | Comments Off on Be Prepared

Yes, “Be Prepared” is the Boy Scout motto, or at least, it was the Boy Scout motto back when I was a scout.

But, Scripture also instructs believers to be prepared any time they meet with other believers. Prepared for what? Prepared to build up the other believers. Prepared to help them grow in maturity with Christ. Prepared to encourage them with the circumstances and situations of their life.

For the last several weeks, I’ve been sharing my “preparation” on Facebook. Hopefully, these short statements have helped others think about how they meet with the church. This is what I’ve shared so far:

I’m ready to meet with the church with a song and a pot of chili. What are you bringing to build up your family?

When we meet with the church this morning, I’m bringing a lesson from Genesis 34, and I’ve helped my son Jeremy to prepare a lesson from Genesis 33. What are you bringing to build up your family when you meet with the church?

Meeting with the church soon. I’m bringing a teaching from Genesis and sub sandwiches. What have you prepared to build up your family?

I’m bringing a song, a praise (answered prayer request), and a pot of chicken corn soup for the church today. What have you prepared to build up your brothers and sisters toward maturity in Christ?

Looking forward to my friend Jim teaching and leading our discussion on Genesis 39-41 this morning. I’m bringing some insights on that passage and meatball subs to share with the church. What are you sharing with your brothers and sisters to help them grow in maturity in Christ?

How do you prepare to meet with your brothers and sisters in Christ?