the weblog of Alan Knox

Imagine all the people

Posted by on Oct 9, 2010 in blog links, community | 1 comment

Yes, today would have been John Lennon’s 70th birthday. But, this post has nothing to do with John Lennon (except the last two sentences).

Instead, this post is about Elroy from “Change Room” and his post “Imagine.” Elroy has been posting these short statements on Facebook. They all begin with “Imagine a community…” I’m glad he collected them all in one post. This is what Elroy says about his post:

I’ve been thinking lately about the values that were typical of the New Testament church. To me it’s much more exciting and important to champion these values than to highlight the mistakes of the modern-day church. Unfortunately when you emphasize biblical values, unbiblical values get mentioned by default.

Here are a few of my favorites:

Imagine a community where everybody thinks more highly of the next guy than of himself. Think church.

Imagine a community to whom relationships are more valuable than possessions. Think church.

Imagine a community where friends become as close and often closer than your natural family. Think church.

Imagine a community to whom sharing and giving is the new normal. Think church.

Imagine a community who defines success by the maturity of the group and not by the giftedness of individuals. Think church.

There are more in Elroy’s post. Go read them.

As an aside, Elroy is from South Africa, and a good friend of mine just announced that he is planning to move to South Africa (for a year or so) next Spring.

One Comment

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  1. 10-10-2010

    Hi Alan. Thanks again for the blog link. I’ve updated my blog with a few new Imagine phrases collected from a variety of people who are joining in the discussion.