the weblog of Alan Knox

And sees his brother in need…

Posted by on Nov 16, 2010 in blog links, community, love, service | Comments Off on And sees his brother in need…

Frank at “Reimagining Church” makes an impassioned plea for “Helping the Family in this Economy: A Great Need.” He reminds us of how the early church helped one another during times of financial (or other) crisis. (Remember the great famine? Acts11:28-30)

Frank says:

In my country (the USA), we are facing an economic crisis. While the world looks to and waits for the government to solve our financial problems, I know many believers who are out of work. Some are struggling to put food on their tables each day.

Thankfully, the Lord has financially blessed some in the body of Christ today, and they are prospering despite the economic downturn…

All told: it’s on my heart today to say the following to every disciple of Jesus: If you are doing well financially, may I encourage you to seek the Lord regarding helping those who are hurting right now, especially those who part of the household of faith — your fellow sisters and brothers in Christ, members of the family of God?

Frank’s plea and exhortation reminds me of what John wrote:

But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth. (1 John 3:17-18 ESV)

I echo Frank’s challenge. Please consider giving to those who are struggling during this economic downturn (especially to your brothers and sisters). If you do not know of individuals or families that you can help, pray and keep your eyes open. If you still don’t know of anyone, let me know. I can point you in the direction of several hurting families.