the weblog of Alan Knox

He really “got it”

Posted by on Nov 29, 2010 in discipleship, missional, stories | Comments Off on He really “got it”

A friend of ours has lived in Europe for the last two years. She will often send us email updates and prayer requests. Often, these emails tell us about the people that God has brought into her life.

Recently, I received an email from our friend with some wonderful news! One of her European friends had recently confessed Jesus Christ as Lord, and she wanted to share the news with us.

I asked her if I could share this story on my blog, and she consented. Here is part of the story:

S. was one through whom we were allowed to reap the harvest. He had been searching for a while and personally has a lot of interest in ideas, reading “literature” (such as the bible) and talking about spiritual things. He had always been very critical of what he grew up seeing in the Catholic Church and knew that what they present could not be the full truth. In the last year, God has brought several believers in his life through work and various other venues. He got to know a couple, G. and E., who are evangelical believers. E. is a professional cyclist and is also a member of our Christian athletes group. S., being a 26 year old sports journalist, met E. through work and recently wrote a book on his biography as an athlete.

I met S. one weekend in August at G. and E.’s house outside of our city. That weekend we were able to have several spiritual conversations and S. asked many questions, proving to have a soft heart desiring to understand the truth. We found out we lived only a couple stops away from each other on the metro and decided to hang out more. He joined the next “dinner group” we did at J.’s house with 4 of my other friends and absolutely loved the study. He began pouring through the Bible and would often call me and share with me what he read and how it impacted him. We spent a lot of time together and he very much became part of our “group.”

S. and another friend of mine who also participated in the “dinner group”, C., came over for dinner Saturday night. We had an excellent conversation covering all sorts of spiritual topics. I noticed S. actually answering many of C.’s questions. I could tell he was super close and it was just a matter of that final “click.” The next day, I read a message he sent saying he had asked the Lord to enter into his life, declaring that he believes, needs, and thanks him for everything he did for him on the cross. The message was beautiful and showed that he really “got it” all the way down to his heart. We talked today and he is as giddy as ever and had a joyful laugh throughout our conversation.

I love the way our friend combines relationship, intentionality, and patience. She actively pursues relationships with those that God brings into her life. Then she seeks opportunities to express the love of God through Jesus Christ. Finally, she waits for God to bring them to repentance.

This looks like a great “model” to me.