the weblog of Alan Knox

Missing the Ethiopia Team Reunion

Posted by on Nov 13, 2010 in personal | Comments Off on Missing the Ethiopia Team Reunion

Today, there is a reunion of the Ethiopia Mission Team at the farm of Dave and BeckyLynn Black. But, unfortunately, I am not able to attend the reunion.

Last week, at the end of our trip to Washington DC, I caught some kind of virus. I felt awful for a few days and developed a nasty cough. I started feeling better at the beginning of this week, but the cough lingers.

Since Mrs. BeckyLynn is currently undergoing chemotherapy treatment for her cancer, I can’t  risk spreading anything to her (or the others at the reunion either).

So, I’m not attending the reunion. I met with these brothers and sisters several times over nine months as we all prepared for our trips to Ethiopia. We ate together, shared stories, prayed for one another, and studied together during those months. Even though I only traveled with Dave Black and Danny Achten, I got to know many of the people who went to Ethiopia during the two weeks before us.

I’ll never forget arriving in our room the first night in Ethiopia and finding a note for us left by two of the members of the team that had just left. I was hoping to tell these brothers how much their note meant to me. I’ll have to find another opportunity now.

So, I’m missing the food and fun and fellowship with these brothers and sisters. But, I’m praying for them. They may even be talking about future service plans with the church in Ethiopia.