the weblog of Alan Knox

More Meals

Posted by on Nov 27, 2010 in community, service | 3 comments

A friend of ours is the Meals on Wheels volunteer coordinator for our city. My wife, Margaret, helps her deliver meals. Often, our daughters will accompany them.

The Center for Aging in our county actually cooks the meals. The volunteers go to the center to pick up the meals, and then deliver the meals. They deliver meals to about ten people each day of the week.

However, the center was closed on Thursday and Friday. So, there were no meals to deliver on those days.

But, our friend and Margaret decided that they wanted to provide meals anyway. So, they invited our friends from church to join them. Several families worked together to prepare the food, package it, and then deliver it.

My part was simple. I helped pack the rolls and slices of pumpkin pie. Then, I had the opportunity to help deliver the meals to some beautiful people. They were elderly, most of them under hospice care. Many of them wanted to talk, so we spent a few minutes talking with them.

This was a great way to spend the day after Thanksgiving. I’m still thanking God for this opportunity to love others in his name.

We’ve found that God will provide many, many opportunities to serve him by serving others, if we look for them and if we’re willing to give of our own time, energy, and resources.


Comments are closed. If you would like to discuss this post, send an email to alan [at] alanknox [dot] net.

  1. 11-27-2010


    This is really the church in action. Thanks for being a great example of the love of Christ!


  2. 11-27-2010

    Okay, today has been a bad day for my eyes. I misread your title as “More Maels,” as in your blog friend.

    Your story brings back memories of being in seasons of helpfulness like this. Things just seemed to flow in the direction of helping others like you describe. I simply have no idea what it’s like to be on the other side of the giving in a situation where [only] occasionally a Christian might drop by to help out with something. It’s good to see a church doing that.

  3. 11-29-2010


    God has placed me among a great group of disciples! There’s more to come…


    I’m not sure that “More Maels” would be a good thing. Maybe he won’t read this… 😉

    My wife and our friend are using their Meals on Wheels responsibility (once per week right now) as a means of learning about even more opportunities and serve and care for these beautiful people.



  1. More Than Meals | The Assembling of the Church - [...] deliver the meals themselves. Then, they invited some of our friends to help. (See my post “More Meals” for…