the weblog of Alan Knox

It’s not my kingdom

Posted by on Dec 10, 2010 in discipleship, elders, office | Comments Off on It’s not my kingdom

It’s not my kingdom, and it’s not my church. I think every Christian would agree with that in principle, but some often act as if it is their kingdom and their church.

James and John asked if they could sit at Jesus’ right and left hand while he ruled his kingdom. Jesus said, “No. That’s not the way my kingdom works.” But, I think, others have decided that James and John were right and Jesus was wrong. They have tried to place themselves at Jesus’ right/left hand, even if only over their local fiefdoms.

I’ll be honest… it is tempting to place yourself (or let yourself be placed) in a position of authority.

But, how do we make sure that we are not putting ourselves in a position that only Jesus can hold?