the weblog of Alan Knox

Just a bag of groceries

Posted by on Dec 2, 2010 in discipleship, love, missional, service | Comments Off on Just a bag of groceries

Tonight, for the second time, my family plans to serve in a local food pantry. The food pantry is actually based out of another church building that meets near us. We’ve been invited to help.

We were all exhausted two weeks ago after helping deliver groceries and talk to people who came to the food pantry. But, the exhaustion was good, because we were doing more than simply delivering a bag of groceries. We were there to show the love of Christ to people who were in need.

Tonight, we’ve invited some friends to join us. We hope that some of them choose to do so.

We know that if more people join us it will be beneficial for the people who come to the food pantry. We’ll be able to talk to more people and pray with more people. More people will hear about God’s love and grace and mercy.

We also know that if more people join us, it will be beneficial for the people who join us. They will also come out exhausted: physically, emotionally, and spiritually drained. But the opportunity to serve others and tell others about the love of God in Jesus Christ is worth it.

If you’re in northern Wake County or southern Franklin County (NC), perhaps you can join us next time.