the weblog of Alan Knox

Simple, Relational, Powerful

Posted by on Dec 6, 2010 in edification, gathering | 1 comment

Often, people ask me what our church meetings are like. I’ve described them a few times here. But, given the hybrid structure of our church, our meetings are often more programmatic and structured and complex. Some people want to know what a church meeting would look like if it was simply a group of believers meeting together in a home.

Last Sunday, our family gathered together with two other families in one of their homes. We read and discussed Scripture together. Asked questions. Listened to one another. Sang a song – a carol requested by one of the children. Prayed. Shared a meal – beef stew, red beans and rice, and some brownies. And continued talking about what God was doing in our lives and where we see him leading us. Primarily, we enjoyed one another’s company in Christ and helped one another grow in maturity in Christ.

We’ve known these two families for a few months. (I’ve known one of the husbands longer.) We first met them when they desired to begin meeting in their neighborhood for the purpose of building the kingdom of God there. Their church was not interested in helping them, so we said that we would. They met with us for a while, then began meeting on their own.

It was encouraging to hear these two families talk about their efforts in showing God’s love to their neighbors and co-workers and to share what God had been doing in our lives. Already, they’ve served people in many different ways. We talked about how we can continue serving God together by reaching out to and serving hurting people in our community.

It truly was a simple, relational, powerful time of getting together as the church with our brothers and sisters in Christ.

One Comment

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  1. 12-6-2010

    Excellent! It sounds like what we experienced in our home this week.