the weblog of Alan Knox

Thinking about relationships…

Posted by on Jan 8, 2011 in community, fellowship | 1 comment

Relationships. When you think about, much of our work as disciples of Jesus Christ depends upon relationships.

Teaching. Encouraging. Edifying. Admonishing. Fellowship. Discipline. They all depend on relationships.

So, we should never underestimate the importance of relationships.

Now, BeckyLynn Black (the wife of my PhD mentor Dave Black) has written a very good post called “10 Principles for Biblical Relationships.”

Here are her “10 Principles”:

  1. We can never force a relationship.
  2. We must allow others the freedom to fail…
  3. [W]e must resist the urge to judge an investment in a person before the time of judgment.
  4. Our lifestyles should be about investing in others…
  5. We must give grace & patience for immaturity…
  6. [W]e must be careful not to confuse the role of people and the role of the Lord in our lives.
  7. It is OK, even normal, for relationships to involve pain & tears.
  8. [R]ash venting of emotions is no substitute for the virtue of self-control…
  9. Never substitute a human being, however nice & godly, for the Lord Jesus.
  10. As obedient followers of Jesus, we must divide our relationships according to His criteria, not ours.

BeckyLynn discusses each principle in detail. Follow the link and read the rest of the post.

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  1. 1-8-2011

    It’s about applied grace, in response to the grace that has been given to us.

    As a further reflection of Jesus, our earthly life is full of divine appointments. There are certain people we are meant to influence (or be influenced by) for a season. I had an absolutely foundational counselor in my life umpteen years ago. I haven’t spoken with him in at least five years, but I am able to help others today because of his investment in me. What we give in divine appointments is part of the good works God had in mind in Eph. 2:10.