the weblog of Alan Knox

Share your experience and advice

Posted by on Feb 8, 2011 in blog links, gathering | 3 comments

Sol at “Looking for Church” has written a post called “Starting With A Meeting.”

In this post, Sol explains that he is planning to begin meeting with other brothers and sisters in Christ at his house during the week. While he says that he wants “more than a meeting,” he understands that whatever happens will probably begin with a meeting.

Sol writes:

As I mentioned yesterday, several of us here are going to start getting together at my house during the week. I’ve been searching the web, and poking around on some blogs for advice…

I’m hoping for more advice on this too.

I’m sure others have experiences and advice to share, so please comment if you can. I would love to hear it… and I need it.

I left him my 2 cents worth in a comment here, which he’s copied in his post. Can you give him some advice also? Perhaps you can share your experience?

Jump over to Sol’s post and help him out.


Comments are closed. If you would like to discuss this post, send an email to alan [at] alanknox [dot] net.

  1. 2-8-2011

    Thanks Alan!

  2. 2-9-2011

    Yes, thanks, Alan. I rarely write anything down until your ponderings and promptings lead me to respond. It was very helpful to think about advice for starting out (which I was already thinking about based on a call from a friend in Texas).

    I left a note on Sol’s blog about “When getting together think family, conversations, food and neighbors.”

  3. 2-9-2011


    My pleasure!


    Awesome! Thanks!
