the weblog of Alan Knox

Comment Highlights for week of February 27, 2011

Posted by on Mar 5, 2011 in comment highlights | Comments Off on Comment Highlights for week of February 27, 2011

As I mentioned in the first post in this series, I want to highlight some of the comments that have been left on my blog posts during the past week. Hopefully, this will give more visibility to some of the reasons that I love blogging – dialog and interaction.

Steve from “From the Pew” left a very good comment on an older post called “Dangerous Sunday – The Day.” Here is part of Steve’s comment:

Another thing about Sunday I’ve noticed is that there is a further narrowing of the day to Sunday morning. Sunday evening services are often not considered Sunday gatherings. And with that, in my experience, the greatest emphasis is placed on the Sunday meeting with the traditional sermon-centered worship service. I’ve heard a number of pastors complain that people tell them that their Sunday school or their mid-week home group is their “church,” and they’re more likely to miss the “service” than the other times during the week because of the one-anothers that do or don’t occur in each. The pastors then enforce the idea that the Sunday worship service is the most important time of the entire week for the Christian. I’ve heard this many times.

Eric from “A Pilgrim’s Progress” left an excellent comment on my post “Crossing the Boundaries of the Local Church” (which was written in answer to a question posed by Eric):

When we get uncomfortable at the idea of going to other believers (even 100% of the way), it helps to remember what Christ did in the incarnation. He came all the way to us, no questions asked. Then He died. This example shows us that we may need to go all the way to other Christians even if it brings some pain in the journey. But in the end, as with the crucifixion and resurrection, the joy will outweigh the cost.

Also, if you haven’t read it yet, read Bobby’s (from “Deconstructing Neverland“) comment on the same post. Bobby is answering my request for specific ideas about how to cross local church boundaries in order to be united with other Christians.

One of my ideas is to contact some of the churches I pass on a regular basis, find out what they are doing in our community and when, then get my family involved. So far I have checked out a few of their websites for information on ministry, but according to the websites the only ministries they have cater to the membership through on site/age segregated programs. I’m hoping that a phone call or two will reveal something more promising.

I also have a time set to have coffee with a local church planter that has a small gathering that meets about ten minutes from my home, right in the heart of the city. The vision they put forth on the website looks promising. They propose being together in one another’s homes and in the city day to day and meeting together as a large group about once a month.

Finally, Jack commented on my post “Encourage one another daily“:

Even though I think I understand this, I am not there yet, but I stand convicted.

It takes sacrifice and totally reordering your life. Our culture doesn’t facilitate this type of lifestyle.

What will I do? With my travel schedule I tend to disconnect. I was gone 18 days in Feb. I make phone calls but not enough. When I get home I usually don’t feel like doing anything. It is a battle, but everyone has there circumstances and we have to adapt to those situations and not lose our focus.

I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to read what people comment next week!