the weblog of Alan Knox

Hello, It’s God Calling

Posted by on Mar 24, 2011 in blog links, missional | Comments Off on Hello, It’s God Calling

Wes at “a mission-driven life” has started what promises to be a very good series and conversation with his post “What is God’s ‘Calling?‘”

He is examining the popular use of the word “calling” to refer to a specialized vocation given to some by God. In Wes’s post, he’s primarily talking about “calling” for “missionaries,” but the subject affects many different types of “callings.”

Here is an excerpt from his post:

I’m wondering if we haven’t made our understanding of calling too specialized, technical, or spiritualized for our own good. Some think that only those who would do ministry, much less missions, are called to vocational ministry.  They may also believe that only those who become missionaries are called to a specific location or people group. Even within in a particular area or among a people group, missionaries only do certain types of tasks, evangelism, church planting, medical, educational, based on some sort of technical calling.

In the comments, Wes and I have also been discussing “missionaries” and how they relate to certain roles that we find in Scripture.

So, if you are interested in “calling” or “missionaries,” jump over to Wes’s post and join in the conversation.