the weblog of Alan Knox

Comment Highlights for Week of April 3, 2011

Posted by on Apr 9, 2011 in comment highlights | 1 comment

As I mentioned in the first post in this series, I want to highlight some of the comments that have been left on my blog posts during the past week. Hopefully, this will give more visibility to some of the reasons that I love blogging – dialog and interaction.

This was the hardest “comment highlights” to put together because there were so many exceptional comments last week. Here are a few of those great comments.

I want to highlight Bobby’s comment on my post “Guest Post: How does the church respond to poverty? (from someone who’s living it).” It’s a short comment; but powerful.

You’re right, this is a powerful post. As I look forward to potential opportunities to serve I pray that God will grant me a heart to see His children as He does. Not as projects or ministries but as people made in His image.

Tim left a great comment on my post “In the NT, there is no distinction between clergy and laity.” Here is part of his comment:

I think only a complete breakdown of the American economy so we can no longer afford hired help and maintain or build the crowd oriented gathering sites, will do the job.

Swanny left this comment on my post “Why do we expect Jesus to only be with the ‘righteous’ today?“:

How can the church look at sinners differently when the church is made up of sinners?

The Bride of Christ = Sinners

Finally, Jeff left a really good comment on my post “What do you do when you can’t find fellowship with others?

I left church for about 10 years and found it very hard to have any Christian fellowship. Even after ‘reentry’, I still found it hard to break through cliques and have any real relationships. Now, almost 10 years later, I am starting to have good fellowship again. I guess my point is that it definitely takes time. But I will say that the whole ordeal made me closer to God and focus on Him so much more.

Please take the time to read all of the other great comments this week.

One Comment

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  1. 4-9-2011

    with all the excellent comments on your blog I don’t see how you can pick out a handful. I’m thankful to be a part of the conversation here and humbled that you would pick my contribution as a highlight.