the weblog of Alan Knox

“I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger”

Posted by on Apr 12, 2011 in blog links, discipleship | 1 comment

The title of this post reflects the words of Paul, not Alan. I have not learned the secret yet, but by God’s grace, I hope that I’m learning.

I was reminded of this struggle for contentment in my own life last night. Keith at “subversive1” wrote a very good post called “For Richer or Poorer?” His post has nothing to do with marriage.

Instead, Keith is writing about trusting money for contentment. Early in his post, he writes this:

However, Jesus confidently assures us that, if we will change our perspective, we can enjoy exactly the same sort of life right this very minute. He tells us that we already have all that we need for our life today. God has already provided each of us with our daily bread. Just as God cares for the daily needs of sparrows, He cares even more for us.

Yes. Only God is the source of true contentment. And, he cares about us. He truly cares about us.

How awesome is that? Why am I not content in know that God is with me. He is enough.

So many things (thinks of this earth) vie for my affections. I need to be reminded constantly. Thanks for the reminder, Keith!

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  1. 4-13-2011

    I’d like to try my hand at being content with abundance for a change. 🙂