the weblog of Alan Knox

Preaching, Doctrine, and Church Buildings, but it’s not what you think

Posted by on Apr 15, 2011 in blog links, community, fellowship | 3 comments

There have been some excellent blog posts recently. So many, in fact, that I have not been able to link to all of them. So, in this post, I’m going to link to three posts that I thought were outstanding.

First, Dan at “The Ekklesia in Southern Maine” writes about the “Dangers of Expository Preaching.” Dan is concerned that labels such as “expository preaching” may encourage people to “drop their guard” and think that everything that’s said comes from Scripture. That’s not always the case.

Next, Arthur at “The Voice of One Crying out in Suburbia” says that “Good doctrine is not enough.” He is concerned that many churches are focused on the content of their teaching, while those same churches are lacking in fellowship and mutual relationships. Yep, I talked to someone just recently who recognized that same problem in his church.

Finally, Jeremy at “Til He Comes” says that “Jesus has Left the Building.” He says that we have gone back to what “Jesus has obliterated.” It is interesting that Jesus said he came to destroy the temple, and yet many churches seem to focus on building theirs.

So, what do you think about these posts?



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  1. 4-15-2011


    First, I agree with Dan. Whatever type of teaching we do must actually come from the Bible. Labels don’t really matter.

    Second, I think Arthur is correct and it is a problem at many churches. Doctrine is strong and sound while the relational aspect of the body is lacking.

    Third, I mostly agree with Jeremy. Churches which build opulant structures seem to miss the point. It drives me nuts when people call a church building “God’s house.” I think calling the meeting space the “sanctuary” also misunderstands believers are now the sancutary or dwelling place of God.

    However, every gathering of believers must meet someplace. It could be a home, a storefront, an already existing place like a recreational center, or a building the gathering owns. I would argue that these could be very simple places and perhaps should be. Also, Dave Black once talked about the need for the Ethiopian church to build a building to be seen as legitimate within the community. You have been to Ethiopia so you might have some experience with this. So buildings are a necessity but shouldn’t become an idol. To paraphrase Tim Keller, “Idols are important things which we have turned into ultimate things.” I guess that’s how I see buildings.


  2. 4-15-2011

    Dan’s posts have been challenging me. His first one actually frustrated me a bit, but now I see where he was going with it, and think I agree. Maybe.

    I definitely agree with Arthur. Good doctrine must lead to right living, otherwise, we don’t really know what we are talking about.

    Finally, I’m not sure I agree with Jeremy. As someone asked on his Facebook page, if Jesus “destroyed the Temple,” will the future temple be rebuilt, and if so, why?

  3. 4-16-2011

    Scott and Jeremy,

    Thanks for the comments. Buildings are tricky, aren’t they?
