the weblog of Alan Knox

What else do you think we’ll find in these ancient Christian books?

Posted by on Apr 1, 2011 in personal | 7 comments

As I mentioned in my previous post, I have found some very exciting new details about the life of the ancient church in a set of lead-lined codices that were recently discovered in Jordan.

Translation is always long and tedious work, especially when translating an ancient script like this one. So it may take days, weeks, months, even years to reveal anything new.

Already, the books have proven to be a treasure trove of missing information. We knew that things like senior pastors, city bishops, orders of worship, and bulletins came from somewhere. But, scholars could only speculate before we found this vast array of knowledge.

But, I was wondering. What else do you think I’ll find as I continue translating these ancient texts?


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  1. 4-1-2011


    Isn’t there someone saying, “I will build my church out of bricks and mortar”?

  2. 4-1-2011

    Aussie John,

    I’m sure that’s in there. I’ll look for books with church building plans.


  3. 4-1-2011

    finally! We’ll find our where Cain’s wife came from…surely that mystery is revealed

  4. 4-1-2011

    ooooh! …and the first bishop in charge of taking care of the shroud of Turin.

  5. 4-1-2011


    Those are good questions. I’m sure the answers are in there somewhere.


  6. 4-1-2011

    Wow- we finally have a translator of ancient texts following in the footsteps of St. Helena the archeologist! Keep up this good work and in a couple hundred years you may come along side her as the patron saint of new discoveries.

  7. 4-2-2011


    Me, a patron of saint? wow…
