the weblog of Alan Knox

Jeremy’s thoughts on “leaving the pastorate”

Posted by on May 31, 2011 in blog links, elders, office | 8 comments

“Leaving the pastorate” is a huge concern at the seminary. The are speeches and sermons and emails and meetings each year designed to help students remain “in the pastorate” for the long haul.

Jeremy at “Till He Comes” presents a different view in his post “Leaving the Pastorate.”

First, Jeremy recalls his experience in his first “pastorate,” and the events that led to him losing his job. He makes a strange (“strange” to the traditional church at least) statement concerning his desire to find another pastorate:

Looking back, I regret that decision. I wish I had stayed. I wish I had pastored without pay.

I would have learned so much working in the community, among the people I wanted to love and serve. I would have lost my fear of losing the big tither in church. I would have gained freedom to teach the Scriptures clearly. I would have gained the liberty to lead the people into the community. I don’t know what would have happened, but looking back now, it is what I wish I had done.

From this point, Jeremy explains what happened next, and how he came to a point where he did finally “leave the pastorate”… and he considers this a good thing. Apparently, this post is the first in a series, so I’m looking forward to reading more of Jeremy’s thoughts about this.

What do you think?


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  1. 5-31-2011

    Thanks for posting this. I often wish that life gave us a “do over.” Ha ha! I really enjoyed the Guest Post today about Connection in Albany, GA. I would love to see something like that around here.

  2. 5-31-2011


    Oh, yeah. “Do overs” would be great. Thank God for grace and second chances (and third and fourth etc.).


  3. 5-31-2011

    “If should’ves and could’ves were candy and spice, oh what happy children we would be. Jeremy seems to be taking on the reformers view of old, like Martin Luther desiring to change or modify the existing structure. My philosophy on restructuring the church (in the Biblical sense of the word) would be to dismantle it to the foundation and then allowing Christ through His Spirit to restructure it according to His plan. Don’t see that happening until the Clergy / Laity distinction can be totally done away with. Anything less relies upon the character of man, which will eventually fail us.

  4. 5-31-2011


    Interesting. Of course, I have seen a church move from more traditional/institutional to more organic/relational.


  5. 5-31-2011

    I am not a pastor, and have never been one, so my view is from the pew. I appreciate all the ones I have had in my life, and they were all different and usually were gifted in different ways. Some were great preachers, some were great pastors, and some were great mentors. I have not found, nor will ever find, those were excel in everything, nor do I need to. The saddest thing I have found, though, are several ministers who remain for the paycheck. Though they are great Christians, they have lost the passion for ministry. But because they are trained for little else, they remain to provide for their family.

    I am reading a book that, among other things, talks of the largest numerical growth of Christians in history: aproximately 80 million in China, from the beginning of communist rule til now. Almost all are house churches with 20 or fewer members and almost all lacking seminary educated clergy. While I greatly value education, and learn a lot from those trained in original langusges and ministry, I stand in awe of how God moves in the world. While most of us take a career path approach to life and ministry, God continues break our views of how things ought to be done. We daily choose to follow Him wherever He leads, or choose to follow the path to our definition of success. I pray I’ll follow His leading and not the world’s view of success.

    I am encouraged by church’s move from institutional to relational. Thanks for the posts on thesetopics. They’re great!

  6. 5-31-2011


    I’m encouraged by the change in many churches lately also. Of course, some are also fighting against it.


  7. 5-31-2011


    I can testify to the accuracy of Jeremy’s “I would have” statements.

    The greatest benefit is that the faithfulness of our great God, in the midst of adversity, becomes so very real. It is no longer a theological proposition.

  8. 5-31-2011

    Aussie John,

    “It is no longer a theological proposition.” That’s a tough in… in many different areas of life.
