the weblog of Alan Knox

Predicting, Listening, Craving, and Serving

Posted by on May 26, 2011 in blog links, community, discipleship, service | Comments Off on Predicting, Listening, Craving, and Serving

As I wrote a few days ago, there are so many good blog posts in my feed reader right now that I can’t possibly create a separate post for each one of them. However, I do want to point my readers to them, because… well, like I said, they’re very good.

So here are another list of posts that I found extremely encouraging and challenging.

I hope you take the time to read these posts. I think you’ll be glad that you did.

Eric from “A Pilgrim’s Progress” writes “I Can’t Predict Who’s Interested
In his post, Eric is primarily talking about church. Until he talks to people, he cannot tell who is interested in discussing and living out issues regarding the church. However, I think this applies to the gospel as well.

Guy from “The M Blog” writes “Listening to one another’s stories
He says that we must listen to one another before we can help, teach, disciple, etc. one another. And, while I agree with Guy that “listen to one another” is not one of the commands found in Scripture, it does seem to be an important foundation to many of the commands, especially the “one another” commands.

Bobby at “Deconstructing Neverland” writes “Craving for community
He talks about some of the obstacles and frustrations that people face when they seek community with other believers. I know these obstacles and frustrations are real. Not only have I faced them myself, but I get emails from people all the time who face the same things.

Chris at “The Amplified Life” writes “A Quick Thought on Serving Others
He is surprised that a gesture as simple as holding the door for someone is rare. What about real acts of service? Is the church any better than culture at serving others?

I’d love to hear what you think about these posts.