the weblog of Alan Knox

Some of you don’t like zombies… and that’s okay

Posted by on May 30, 2011 in blog links, personal | 5 comments

So, if you’ve been keeping track of my blog, facebook profile, or twitter feed over the last few weeks, then you’ve probably seen posts or updates about zombies.

My friend Dan and I started Zombie Theology on Friday the 13th (May 13, 2011), and we have been publishing stories, novel excerpts, and blog posts since then. What is “Zombie Theology”? Well, we describe it as the intersection of the zombie apocalypse with Christian theology. How can those two things intersect? You’ll have to read more to find out.

Now, I know that alot of Christians don’t like the different horror genres, including zombies. In fact, some do not understand how Christians can be involved in that subculture… and that’s okay.

However, some of my readers have been intrigued by the different zombie stories and articles that I’ve linked to. If you’re interested in how we are attempting to interact with the zombie subculture, I would invite you to read one of Dan’s latest posts called “The infection is spreading” (which explains how surprised we have been at how we have been accepted into this subculture) and one of my latest posts called “What does Jesus have to do with zombies?” (which provides a more theological connection).

Plus, Dan does a great job of explaining part of our purpose in his post “Welcome to”

I will probably not post much about zombies here on this blog anymore. (You may still see the occasional link on my facebook profile or my twitter feed.)

If you are interested in keeping up with what we’re doing at Zombie Theology, please “like” our facebook page, follow us on twitter (@zombietheology), or subscribe to the RSS feed on our website. (It would be awesome to have other Christians interacting on our site. There are a few already.)

By the way, if you’re really, really interested, we welcome guest submissions on the Zombie Theology website. Just get in touch with us through any of the networks above, or through zombietheology[at]gmail[dot]com.


Comments are closed. If you would like to discuss this post, send an email to alan [at] alanknox [dot] net.

  1. 5-30-2011


  2. 5-30-2011

    I am really interested. Maybe I will ask to post something sometime.

    I think it is interesting that our government has put this on the CDC website…

    If you have not seen it.. might be good for the site.


  3. 5-30-2011


    I don’t like the way you’re smiling at me… 🙂


    We’d love to have you write for us. We’ve seen the CDC announcement and thought it was hilarious!


  4. 5-30-2011

    Just contemplating some of the reactions you might have received and chuckling a little. 🙂

  5. 5-30-2011


    I understand the analogy. Will reserve further comment for down the track.
    Well! What would you expect from someone of my vintage? At the moment I’m with Hutch 🙂