the weblog of Alan Knox

Practical Steps Toward Missional Living

Posted by on Jun 23, 2011 in blog links, missional | 6 comments

It seems that I’m pointing you to this blog often lately. But, that’s because Chris keeps writing excellent blog posts.

I’m talking about Chris from “The Amplified Life.” His latest post is called “Making Missional Living Practical.” In this post, Chris shares eight ideas (which he found at another blog) about how to live a more missional life.

Here are the eight ideas:

1. Eat with Non-Christians.

2. Walk; Don’t Drive.

3. Be a Regular.

4. Hobby with Non-Christians.

5. Talk to Your Co-Workers.

6. Volunteer with Non-Profits.

7. Participate in City Events.

8. Serve Your Neighbors.

Chris quotes some comments about each of these ideas. So, jump over to his blog to learn more.

I will say this: These ideas will not make you live a missional life. However, they will give you opportunities to live missionally.

What do you think? Do you have other ideas to add?


Comments are closed. If you would like to discuss this post, send an email to alan [at] alanknox [dot] net.

  1. 6-23-2011

    Thanks again for the blog love 🙂
    Which if these ideas have you put into practice?

  2. 6-23-2011


    Great question! I’m working on #4, 6, and 8 right now.


  3. 6-23-2011

    Great stuff! Thanks for the tangibles…the missional conversation often lacks in the practicals.

  4. 6-23-2011

    while the activities are great I guess my thought is to try and build relationships with whoever you meet, to be a friend to those whom God brings your way; of course some of us could do with going out a bit and being more open to conversing with others (me included, :)).

  5. 6-23-2011


    Thanks for the comment. I think ideas such as this can help people think about more ways to interact with people who are already part of their lives.


    Yes, I think the point here is to take advantage of the opportunities that God gives you. While these ideas seem obvious to some, others need the encouragement.


  6. 6-24-2011


    If I had used the term “missional” when speaking with the congregations with which I have had to do, they would have wondered what I was talking about.

    Seven of those points were a normal part of the encouragement they received for the task of making disciples. Walking was out for most because of the distances they traveled.