the weblog of Alan Knox

Ten Things Every Christian Should Know

Posted by on Jul 26, 2011 in blog links, discipleship | 7 comments

Keith at “subversive1” has post a wonderful series called “The Top 10 Things Every Christian Should Know.”

In reality, many of these things could be called “The top 10 things every Christian should re-learn.” Often, these are things that have been taught at a popular level or that have been assumed especially in a church culture.

I think most believers will find something challenging in Keith’s list. So, here are the “Top 10” in reverse order (10 down to 1):

10. The Christian sub-culture
9. The kingdom of God is NOT the American dream
8. Obedience to Jesus is not optional
7. “Work” is not a bad word
6. We ARE the church
5. Humility is essential
4. Salvation is a process, not a point in time
3. We are (not) called to judge (unbelievers)
2. Belief is not enough (or it’s not what you think it is)
1. The gospel is not about going to heaven when you die

Keith provides a detailed explanation of each item in his Top 10 list.

What do you think of Keith’s list?


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  1. 7-26-2011

    Brings to mind what Paul advised Timothy to do in II Timothy 2. So encouraging to see something like this. Thanks Keith.

  2. 7-26-2011


    I agree. Keith did a good job putting this list together.


  3. 7-27-2011

    Great read; I’ve thought f or a while yes, Luke’s gospel tells us, “the kingdom of God is among us…” (ch 21). And, the only requirement for a kingdom is…a King. Thanxalot! I put this Top 10 in a word doc., attachment, and emailed to many “knowers and not-so-knowers.”

  4. 7-27-2011

    10 Things…#4; “…are being saved…” (1 Corinthians 1:18) /sodzumenois/ Middle voice ? Calls attention to the subject ? Somebody make it make sense…long time since I have peered into my “Still Greek to Me” text!?

  5. 7-30-2011

    FYI- You can download a free PDF version of this entire Top 10 Things in book form (for free) at:

  6. 10-24-2011

    Alan, Thanks for posting this. I especially enjoyed the line in #7, “Swimming won’t make you a fish, but if you’re a fish you’ll swim!”

  7. 5-15-2012

    I have contended point #1 for a while now. I told someone not long ago that I will no longer tell people “how to get to Heaven”, but will instead tell them how they can have a relationship with the Creator of the Universe. Heaven is just a big part of the “retirement plan”.

    Jesus never said, “I came that they might be with Me in Heaven”, but actually said, “I came that they might have life…”