the weblog of Alan Knox

Do you ever wonder how you can serve your co-workers?

Posted by on Aug 23, 2011 in blog links, missional | 3 comments

I read and write alot about being “missional,” which to me means living out the gospel every day in every situation with whoever God brings into my life through the power of the Holy Spirit.

But, sometimes, I get stuck. I know what I want to do, but – like Paul – I often don’t do it. So, when I read a post that is helpful in reminding me how to serve people, I like to share it.

Bill at “Provocative Church” has written one such post called “30 Simple Ways to to be Missional in Your Workplace.”

Actually, the post includes a list of 15 items that Bill found on another site. But, he also gives a link to the full list of 30 items. Here are a few:

1. Instead of eating lunch alone, intentionally eat with other co-workers and learn their story.

3. Make it a daily priority to speak or write encouragement when someone does good work.

7. Have your missional community/small group bring lunch to your workplace once a month.

15. Start a regular lunch out with co-workers (don’t be selective on the invites).

I love these kinds of lists. They are not groundbreaking, and, for many, they are obvious. But, for people who do not have a good model of serving others, this kind of thing can be very helpful.

Of course, the point of all of these items is to build relationships with the people we work with… relationships beyond the typical work experience.


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  1. 8-23-2011

    Just one thing that came to mind Alan …. People need to be careful when it comes to getting together for lunch with the opposite sex (even in a group). Even saying something encouraging to the opposite sex. The enemy is at work everywhere. Most affairs happen at the work place. Just wanted to share this!

  2. 8-24-2011

    Amen Joey! One needs full Armor when going into the enemy’s territory of these situations, as the Devil WILL strike back. BEFORE getting together, be humble and pray with your wife or husband, (mentor/accountability partner if single) about this, and discuss/ask questions. Your wife or husband may NOT be comfortable (yet) with you doing this. You need their support, love, and wisdom about this, and their prayer while the get together is going on. Some of these people you are getting together to share the love of Jesus with, may have demons. You need to have your eyes opened and ask the Holy Spirit — what is going on? please let me see, with your eyes…

  3. 8-25-2011

    Joey and Todd,

    I think it’s wise to consider the temptations inherent in any situation, whether it be lust or greed or drunkenness or gluttony or any other sin. However, I don’t think God expects us to give up opportunities to serve and love others because we might be tempted. Instead, my course of action would be to ask others to help me with situations in which I might be tempted. For example, when it comes to spending time with women, I enlist my wife’s help, both beforehand and during that time, often calling her to let her know that I’m about to spend some time with someone else.
