the weblog of Alan Knox

A roller coaster of a week

Posted by on Oct 22, 2011 in personal | 8 comments

Okay, so this last week wasn’t really up-and-down like a roller coast, but I wanted to get some of kind of state fair reference in the title.

Last Saturday, I had the opportunity to run in my first 5k race. It was sponsored by Southeastern Seminary, and the proceeds benefited two different charities: one to help Haiti and one to help support diabetes research. I was very happy with how I ran for my first race. I didn’t come close to winning, but I beat the goal that I had set for myself. If you’re interested, I’m in this video that was made for the race. I’m the blurry guy at the beginning of the video. Plus, you may be able to catch a few glimpses of me at the race start.

By the time this post is published, I should have finished my second 5k race. This race is sponsored by the Franklin County (NC) Humane Society and is called “Paws for Life.” My wife and daughter help out the humane society, and we often foster dogs that are left at the local animal shelter. We’ve volunteered for the 5k before, but this is the first time that I’ve run the race. This has been a tough running week, so my goal is to simply finish well, not necessarily to beat my time from last Saturday.

Also, last Wednesday, I had the opportunity to teach for a friend in a New Testament introduction class in a local community college. I had 50 minutes to teach the students about the Book of Hebrews. That’s right… 50 minutes for the entire book. Of course, I was barely able to scratch the surface, but we did touch on manuscripts, transmission, authorship, dating, destination, purpose, and content. The students asked very good questions!

On Thursday, I took my daughter and one of her friends to the NC State Fair. We spent about six hours at the fair and had a great time! Believe it or not, we spent less the $20 between the three of us. Plus, we had been given some ride tickets, so they were able to ride three of the carnival rides. Miranda had entered a photo in the competition, and we saw her entry and learned more about the kind of photo that she should enter next year.

Now… on the down side of the roller coaster. My wife Margaret has had bronchitis for last 10 days to 2 weeks. Whenever she gets bronchitis, she always struggles to get over it. She started her second round of antibiotics yesterday. So, if you think about it, please pray for her.

That’s what’s been going on with us for the last week or so. What’s going on with you and your family?


Comments are closed. If you would like to discuss this post, send an email to alan [at] alanknox [dot] net.

  1. 10-22-2011

    Thanks for sharing some personal stuff here. My favorite show is “The Amazing Race”. This past summer our family version of that show had us race 5000 miles from Winnipeg, down to the Florida Keys and back. I regret that we didn’t slow down to enjoy much of NC or SC. In the back of my mind I even toyed with the thought of trying to connect up with you or your gatherings. But unfortunately we just raced on through. We enjoyed the Keys, got a collection of photos along the way, and got back home to rest after the vacation. šŸ™‚

  2. 10-22-2011

    /Users/nz/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Originals/2008/May 9, 2008_2/Jesus By Whose Stripes You Are Healed.png

  3. 10-22-2011

    Just trying to send a poster to your blog.

    Looks like it didn’t work to well. šŸ˜‰

  4. 10-22-2011


    Praying for your wife Margaret.

    Lot’s of 8 x 10 posters – in color and black and white – on the web site…

    “God’s Words of Comfort & Healing”

    Just click on A. Amos Love

  5. 10-22-2011

    Letā€™s see: Stacy started the week by driving back from a brief Fri-Monday visit to Oklahoma to visit her grandmother for perhaps the last time, she has been diagnosed with inoperable cancer, she is in her late eighties and weak, we are fairly certain that she does not know Christ. We covet your prayers that Christ will reveal Himself to her through those who can share His gospel with Her, Stacy was able to minister the hope that she has residing within her to her grandmother with seemingly no response, but we know God is not limited by our visible observations and will always do what is right.

    Iā€™ve been struggling for about 6 months with an ear problem, pain, inflammation, swollen face and diminished hearing, three rounds of antibiotics and now large doses of steroids-not working. Going to see a specialist on the 31st, hate to complain but itā€™s very distracting and Stacy says it might be making me a bit grouchy. šŸ™‚ I covet your prayers regarding this issue as well.

    This week, Iā€™ve reached the halfway point on a consolidated gospel with commentary that I have been working on; this is the project that I stopped blogging and intensely participating on blogs to focus on. When Iā€™m done, I may start blogging again through this consolidated gospel of Christ.

    Got some encouraging news regarding my business and prospects for a better year in 2012, God is good and this downturn has been one of the biggest blessings in Stacy and my lifeā€¦but things picking up will be warmly welcomed!

    Received discouraging news this week from two Christian couples who are friends who are separating and moving towards divorce after many years of marriage, doing our best to minister love, reconciliation and restoration to people who refuse to see their part in the situation, nobody is ever wrong or at fault and nobody is willing to forgive with the love of God that has supposedly been poured into their hearts Romans 5:5. Everyone is an unmerciful servant forgiven much and not willing to forgive a small offense.

    This week I also moved into the second phase of a new power lifting program I have started, not for competition as Iā€™m 42 years old! Iā€™m doing this as a personal challenge, doing the basic lifts Bench, Military, Squat, Dead lifts has been a real experience and joy, the other day while dead lifting I felt the lunch start to creep up my throat and I almost blacked out and I thought, damn, Iā€™m alive again! Learned the difference between a ā€œbodybuilding bench pressā€ and a correct bench press this week and wished I had learned it when I was fifteen, put up a personal record on bench this week!

    I know tomorrow is the start of the new week, but the work week does not start until Monday so Iā€™ll include tomorrows activity on here: Stacy and I will be at Richmond Arms (The best English Pub for watching Football “the game most Americans call soccer” in Houston) tomorrow morning to share a few pints of Guinness over an English breakfast while watching the might Manchester United Red Devils dispatch Manchester City, itā€™s the Manchester derby! It is okay to drink beer on Sunday and for breakfast isnā€™t it?

  6. 10-22-2011

    Jon and Hutch,

    Thanks for the updates! It’s great to learn more about what’s going on in your lives.

    A Amos Love,

    Here’s your link: “God’s Words of Comfort and Healing“.


  7. 10-23-2011

    My week usually consists of two day shifts, a split shift, two swing shifts, plus overtime, plus two class times at the local community college. I also had a fitness test this week for wearing a gas mask at my plant for handling poisonous chorine gas.

    Mrs. Scott and I are trying to plan a weekend away for our 11th anniversary on 11/11/11, and need to find babysitting. Her week is normally a few days of work at Panera Bread and also doing Pampered Chef on the side.

    I found a nail in my tire that I haven’t had time to get fixed, and I don’t have much time to blog anymore. I totally forgot that the world was going to end yesterday. This is weird because my first church way back when was Harold Camping’s.

  8. 10-23-2011


    Thanks for the update!
