the weblog of Alan Knox

Guilt Free

Posted by on Oct 13, 2011 in blog links | 6 comments

My friend Eric at “A Pilgrim’s Progress” has written a very encouraging and comforting post called “Don’t Feel Guilty.”

Eric’s post is one of those that I wish I had written. I think there is something in his list that everyone has struggled with from time to time.

But, guess what?! For those who are in Christ, there is no guilt… no condemnation. None.

We can rest in Christ, knowing that he loves us.

By the way, you may feel just the opposite of the things that Eric lists. Guess what?! No guilt for you either!

I guess, if I had to pick one thing to point out, it would be this one: “Please, brothers and sisters, don’t feel guilty… for feeling like you are speaking a different language when you talk with other Christians about the church.”

Which one would you pick?

(By the way, Eric’s post and image – which I used here – reminded me that whenever I see the words “Gluten Free” on a food package, I always think “Guilt Free” and smile…)


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  1. 10-13-2011

    what a great post. thanks for bringing it to our attention 🙂 I don’t know if I could pick just one I can really relate to… it depends on who I talked to that day (and what day of the week it is) that brings certain guilt.

  2. 10-13-2011

    That was cool

  3. 10-13-2011


    Eric’s message is a gem!

    I’m going to remember what you’ve written here, every time I am sent to the supermarket. My wife is a celiac and Guilt Free (I mean Gluten Free) are the first words to find.

  4. 10-13-2011

    Thanks Alan. I’m glad it came across as encouraging.

  5. 10-14-2011

    Isn’t it funny that we guilt ourselves for doing the right things, and work so hard to justify the wrong things we do to minimize our guilt.

    Really nice list, Eric.

  6. 10-14-2011

    Thanks for the great article, Eric, and for the comments everyone else!
