the weblog of Alan Knox

SEBTS hosts the Southeastern Regional meeting of ETS on the topic of Biblical Theology

Posted by on Nov 1, 2011 in personal | 10 comments

So, if you’ve read my profile or if you’ve been around here for a while, then you probably know that I’m a PhD student in Biblical Theology at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS).

A few days ago, I noticed that Southeastern Seminary is hosting the southeastern regional meeting of the Evanglical Theological Society on March 23-24, 2012. And what is the topic of this regional meeting of ETS? Biblical theology. Three prominent writers in the field of biblical theology will be highlighting the meeting: Paul House, Scott Hafemann, and Andreas Köstenberger. I’ve read a couple of books by House and Hafemann, and I’ve read books by and attended seminars by Köstenberger. I expect they will provide a great plenary session.

Now, since this meeting will be held very near my home (6 miles) and in the same complex where I work as a web developer, and since the topic will be within my own field of study, I really should try to present a paper at the meeting.

But… on what topic? There are so many good topics in the field of biblical theology. Of course, I could present a paper on any topic, not just biblical theology.

Maybe I’ll think of a few topics that go along with my dissertation and list them here for your input…

Topic 1: Prophecy and Tongues as Paradigms in 1 Corinthians 14
Topic 2: Edification by the Whole Church in 1 Thessalonians 5:11-14
Topic 3: A Kingdom of Priests: The Priesthood in Action in Hebrews 10:19-25

What do you think? Do any of those topics sound interesting to you? (Of course, as always, I reserve the right to choose any of the above topics… or even a different topic. However, I would appreciate your feedback.)


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  1. 11-1-2011

    Any one of those would certainly ruffle feathers in the SBC 😉 hehe

    I would say that the second or third would be good. While I personally would love to hear what you come up with on the first one, I think the second or third have a greater relevance to larger issues at play, and I believe personally that the issues raised in the first topic would be non-issues if two and three were addressed.

  2. 11-1-2011

    I think topics 2 & 3 from 1 Thess, and Hebrews 10 would be most practical for the body of Christ among today’s believers. However, 1 Cor 14 would be great, for me, to read your exposition. But, I do not think that many of today’s believers would hold fast, or choose to align themselves with the teaching of the text. It is so…taboo…even mystical. That being said, the teaching of 1 Corinthians 14 could have an explosive impact on people of today, people of God that is. So, I am excited to see what you choose and to read about it.

  3. 11-1-2011

    That being said, for the sake of THE CHURCH, Hebrews 10 is my vote!

  4. 11-1-2011

    Steve and Reid,

    Thanks for the feedback. Hebrews 10:19-25 has always been one of my (many) favorite passages, especially in the context of the entire letter. The 1 Thessalonians passage is one that I’ve just recently begun to consider in depth. It’s a tough choice…


  5. 11-1-2011

    I like #2…

  6. 11-1-2011


    Hebrews 10!

  7. 11-1-2011

    Hebrews 10.

  8. 11-1-2011

    #2 or #3.
    Further to Steve Sensenig, I think if #3 is addressed, I believe both #1 and #2 would become non-issues.

  9. 11-1-2011

    Maybe it is just a girl thing but I would love to see you tackle #1. My first thought is that your choice will be #3.

  10. 11-1-2011

    Lew, Aussie John, Tom, Jon, and ToscaSac,

    Thank you for the feedback! I still haven’t decided which topic I want to pursue further. But, then, I have some time still before I decide.
