the weblog of Alan Knox

More Families acting like Churches

Posted by on Dec 6, 2011 in blog links | 5 comments

A couple of weeks ago, I “replayed” an older post called “If the family were a church.” In that post, I wondered what it would look like if families acted like churches, especially when it comes to leadership, growth, and organization.

Now, someone else has taken up the gauntlet and has written another “episode.”

Over at “New Covenant Bible Fellowship of Las Vegas,” someone wrote a post called “Membership in the Family of God,” continuing the theme from my post above.

In this post, the author tackles the question of “membership.” How does one become a “member” of a family? Through membership classes, of course:

Then the father announced the dates for the new family membership class and all the recent “new” family members were expected to participate. The father said they must be taught all about being a member of our family, the do’s and don’t’s, the responsibilities, and all the good works they could do to show they were members in good standing in the family. If they did not graduate from the class, they would not become full-fledged members of the family, would not be able to vote at family meetings, and would not be able to teach any other family members anything…

You should read the remainder of the quote. It’s a good tongue-in-cheek sarcastic approach to looking at how the church acts today… not much like a family.


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  1. 12-6-2011

    People general hate this kind of “sarcastic” approach to illustrating silly little things that organizational church does but I love it……..

  2. 12-6-2011


    I’ve found that most people only like sarcasm when they agree with the point being made.


  3. 12-6-2011

    Yeah me too

  4. 12-6-2011


    Me too… unless you were being sarcastic. 😉


  5. 12-6-2011

    I agree hahaha

    Love it =D