the weblog of Alan Knox

Teaching Workshop: Who Teaches?

Posted by on Jan 4, 2012 in discipleship | 4 comments

Over the next few weeks, I’m planning to lead a “Teaching Workshop” for the church on Sunday mornings. We’ll work through a few passages of Scripture and discuss together what those passages say about teaching and teachers.

This is not a workshop about how to put together a teaching outline or how to study commentaries or other reference materials. Instead, we will discuss a broad and general view of teaching through Scripture. I hope that this workshop will be helpful for people teaching in any context.

This is the general outline that I plan to use for this workshop:

Part 1: Who Teaches?
Part 2: The Motivations of Teaching
Part 3: The Purpose and Methods of Teaching
Part 4: Teaching When the Church Gathers

For each week’s workshop, I plan to put together a short worksheet to guide our discussion. This is the worksheet for the first week’s session. This lesson will be called “Part 1: Who Teaches?”

Feel free to discuss or ask questions in the comments.


Teaching Workshop

Part 1: Who Teaches?

Note: To begin this workshop, I need to specify that I believe that all Scripture is in agreement when it comes to teaching. I will approach all passages as if they agree with one another.

I recommend reading the following passages so that you will know the context and background of the specific parts that we will discuss together. As you read, pay attention to the context as well as what the author says about teaching: Matthew 23:1-12, Matthew 28:16-20, Romans 12:1-8, Romans 15:14-21, 1 Corinthians 12:1-31, Ephesians 4:7-16, Colossians 3:12-17, 1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9, Hebrews 5:11-6:3, James 3:1-18, 1 John 2:18-29.

I. The Ultimate Teacher
According to Scripture, there is one teacher for those who follow Jesus Christ. All of his disciples learn from him through the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 23:8, 1 John 2:27)

II. There is a Spiritual Gift of Teaching
Teaching is one of the ways that the Holy Spirit manifests himself in the life of a follower of Jesus Christ for the purpose of building up the church. (Romans 12:4-8, Ephesians 4:7-11)

III. Everyone Does Not Have the Spiritual Gift of Teaching
While the Holy Spirit gifts some with a special ability to teach, he does not give everyone this spiritual gift. (1 Corinthians 12:29-30)

IV. However, Everyone is Instructed to Teach and is Able to Teach
While only some have the spiritual gift of teaching, Scripture indicates that all who follow Jesus Christ should teach, and that teaching is an important aspect of the Great Commission. (Matthew 28:19-20, Romans 15:14, Colossians 3:16)

V. Those Gifted in Teaching Have the Added Responsibility of Helping Others Teach
When considering the passage below, think especially about how the “evangelist” equips the church for “works of service.” Then apply that to the other gifted individuals, including teachers. (Ephesians 4:11-13)

VI. What about Elders and Teaching?
Those recognized as elders should be able to teach, demonstrating previously that they are doing what all believers should be doing (i.e., teaching, in this case). (1 Timothy 3:2, Titus 1:9)

VII. Consider Seemingly Contradictory Passages about Teachers
How can these passages be in agreement? (Hebrews 5:12, James 3:1)


Comments are closed. If you would like to discuss this post, send an email to alan [at] alanknox [dot] net.

  1. 1-4-2012

    Excellent proposed outline Alan, and looking forward to how it is developed. As a teacher, one thing I would like to see added to this outline, is, “The Essence of Teaching.” What is biblical teaching? And then from a working definition proceed to the course you laid out.

    Completely unrelated, but something I have been thinking about lately, is this, what if, I am gifted in teaching and love to teach, but have little interest in being “pastoral” or seeking eldership? After all, we know that the pastor-teacher is one gift and what God has joined together, let no man put asunder. Can’t I just go rouge and teach?

  2. 1-4-2012


    Thanks for the feedback. I struggled with the order to present this workshop. From the way you described it, I think my “Part 3: The Purpose and Methods of Teaching” will cover what you called “The Essence of Teaching.” But, to be honest, I like your title better, and I may steal it.

    I’m not ready to say that it’s impossible for someone to be gifted in teaching but not gifting in shepherding. However, having said that, just as I think teaching is the responsibility of all followers of Jesus, I think shepherding is the responsibility of all followers of Jesus.

    So, to someone who only wants to teach and not shepherd, I would say, “Find someone who is good at shepherding and learn from them… even if and especially if you don’t like it. God loves and cares for people, so you should too.” 🙂


  3. 1-4-2012

    Does this start this Sunday? This is a timely opportunity for me; would you mind visitors for a few weeks?

  4. 1-4-2012


    Are you bringing someone with you? Because you certainly aren’t visitors. Yes, I’d love to hear your input into our discussion about teaching.
