the weblog of Alan Knox

When every part of the body of Christ functions together

Posted by on Jan 23, 2012 in blog links, edification, gathering | Comments Off on When every part of the body of Christ functions together

Josh at “Called to Rebuild” has written another excellent post. This one is called “Missing the church.”

He begins by explaining that many close friends have been transitioning out of his life lately. Josh feels the loss… and that along is an amazing thought. In a time when “church” has become just another activity, it is a real family for Josh.

Next, he describes a time when God began to show him what could happen when the whole body of Christ worked together. He writes:

Anyway, as I sat there listening something just came over me. Tears welled up in my eyes. Nothing being said was at all specific to my trial at the time, but that didn’t matter. In a way I can’t adequately explain with words, I saw Christ being revealed as I listened to the brothers and sisters sharing. It was powerful. All the pressure from the burden in my heart was like a great big logjam, but as I beheld Christ through the functioning of His Body it was like a mighty river came bursting through the channels of my heart, forcing it all to the surface and clearing it away.

Josh refers to 1 Corinthians 14:24-25. While Paul writes about an unbeliever recognizing the presence of God among the church because everyone is prophesying, I can see how it would apply to Josh’s situation too.

As I read Josh’s post, I love this statement: “[A]s I beheld Christ through the functioning of His Body it was like a mighty river came bursting through the channels of my heart, forcing it all to the surface and clearing it away.”

Reading that, it’s easy to understand why Josh would say that he misses his brothers and sisters in Christ.