the weblog of Alan Knox

Will you read about my friends Lew and Kati and consider helping them?

Posted by on Jan 21, 2012 in blog links, personal | Comments Off on Will you read about my friends Lew and Kati and consider helping them?

My friend Lew and Kati recently made the HUGE decision to adopt a little girl from the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Earlier this week, they found out that her older brother is also up for adoption. So, guess what they’ve decided to do?!? They’ve decided to adopt the brother also!

While they are understandably excited, they also realize that they have a huge hurdle in front of them. Besides the cost of the original adoption, they now had an added $7500 to adopt two.

Would you read through their adoption site “No Stretch Marks Required” and perhaps consider helping them out by purchasing an item or two or more from their fundraisers list?

I appreciate it… and I know they appreciate it also.