the weblog of Alan Knox

Scripture… As We Live It #199

Posted by on Mar 11, 2012 in as we live it, scripture | 2 comments

This is the 199th passage in “Scripture… As We Live It.”

But you your ordained leaders have been anointed by the Holy One, and you all they have knowledge. (1 John 2:20 re-mix)

(Please read the first post for an explanation of this series.)


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  1. 3-13-2012

    Ouch! When did we pass the mantle of responsibility for our walk with Christ off to “Leadership”? I don’t know, but I am taking mine back. He that has ears, let him hear what Christ says…then obey.
    God’s people die for a LACK of KNOWLEDGE, so get smart and open the Bible for yourself. It makes all the difference to know how God moves and talks, so you can recognize Him moving and speaking in your own life! Be blessed!

  2. 3-13-2012

    The revelation of God is a progressive revelation. God for His own purposes waits to reveal mysteries until the fulness of His timing. A missing component in our thinking is sometimes the heavenly aspect of God’s unveiling of His mysteries. Our two dimensional thinking ( us and God) leaves out much of the wonder of God’s eternal plan. To be sure God’s purposes are always fiercely opposed by enemy forces in the heavenly realms. If we are honest we comprehend very little of these forces and their works. Spiritual forces require spiritual understanding, which by it very nature can not attained to by study alone or deductive reasoning. We try in vain to read the Bible and reason these things out with our natural mind, but God has giving us His Spirit so that we may understand. Because these things are spiritually revealed, fallen man bristles at the thought that we are not in control of this knowledge, or the timing of their revelation.
    God’s purposes in Christ precede all time and this world system. God’s plan today calls for making known the mystery of God’s wisdom in making Christ known as the center and redeemer of all things, demonstrating His power and wisdom to opposing spiritual forces in the air through the Lord’s ekklesia, His called out community.