the weblog of Alan Knox

What else should I be? All apologies…

Posted by on Apr 18, 2012 in blog links | 3 comments

My friend Dan at “Some Church Stuff” has written another excellent post called “An Apology.” First, I must say that I love the play on words with the title… just what does he mean by “apology”?

Once you read through his post, you understand the main point of his title and his post: Dan is explaining why he writes his blog, and – perhaps more importantly – explains what he wants to write about in the future.

While I loved reading about (and remembering) the history of Dan’s blog, I especially appreciated this paragraph:

Now I feel like the blog might be moving into a new season. I feel like I have clearly stated what I believe is the problem. This has helped me substantially, and now I feel like my heart is moving on. Moving on from anger toward the system to peace in Him. This, in no way, means that my feelings have changed about the problems, about how grave and destructive they are. It simply means that there is One who has overcome these things, can teach us what no system of the world can teach, to truly trust in Him and Him alone.

Ah, yes. This reminds me of something I talked about with several brothers and sisters this weekend. This is where we are – wherever “this” happens to be. Now, how can we help one another follow Jesus and obey him?

Read the rest of Dan’s post. You’ll enjoy reading about his journey so far, and his intentions. I think you’ll also relate to his struggles in understanding his own heart and desires.

I can’t wait to read more of Dan’s posts.


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  1. 4-18-2012

    thanks Alan. I was going to write something else but…

    What else could I write? I don’t have the right.

  2. 4-18-2012

    I wish I was like you easily amused

  3. 4-18-2012

    Thanks, guys…

    Everything is my fault. I’ll take all the blame.
