the weblog of Alan Knox

Be sarcastic with one another

Posted by on May 8, 2012 in synchroblog | 9 comments

This post is part of the May 2012 Synchroblog called “Lighten Up: The Art of Laughter, Joy, & Letting Go.” I haven’t taken part in a synchroblog in the last few months. I’ve been interested, and I’ve tried to read most of the posts.

But, when I saw this month’s topic, I couldn’t let it pass without jumping on board.

So, what’s up with this topic? Well, here’s a short description:

One thing feels clear about the faith blogging world–we can be kind of serious most of the time. Serious about beliefs, theology, and hard conversations about the intersection of life and faith. It is serious stuff we’re talking about, but sometimes what gets missed in all of the intensity is joy & laughter & lightness. It’s probably a good idea to learn how to not take ourselves quite so seriously. The May 2012 Synchroblog is centered on the idea of what it might mean to lighten up a little–personally, spiritually, professionally, or in any area of our lives. You can write about why that’s easy or hard for you, share something funny or humorous, or any other angle that feels easy and right (remember, part of this is about lightening up!)

So, if you know me and my blog, you know that I can’t pass up the opportunity to slip in a little sarcasm.

A few years ago, I wrote a post called “New and Improved ‘One Anothers’.” In this post, I take a slightly different look at the “one another” passages. The old, traditional ones are too difficult. These are more in line with the church today:

Be Cordial to One Another
Be nice. Say “Hello.” Smile. Don’t let them inside your head or your heart. Never let them see you sweat. If they put you in a position of authority, this is doubly important.

Be Suspicious of One Another
Who knows what that other person is thinking or doing? I sure don’t. That would take getting to know them, and well, I’ve already covered that.

Critique One Another
Everyone is wrong. Point it out. Everyone has a weakness. Find it.

Lecture One Another
You know what they need to hear. Tell ’em. Did they get it? No? Tell ’em again, louder.

Keep Records when Serving One Another
You cut their grass two years ago. What have they done for you since?

Abandon One Another
When the going gets tough, there’s another local church down the street.

Sit Beside One Another
It’s called fellowship. Duh.

Sing Along with One Another
And that’s what we call worship. Check.

Yeah, so, all of those are sarcastic. Are they hyperbolic? Of course. Are they traces of the truth in each one? Yep, probably. Are they helpful? Probably helpful to some. Perhaps not helpful to others.

If they are helpful to you, then I pray that God will use them to help you meditate and live what it means to love one another.

If they’re not helpful to you, then this is a good time to practice “critique one another” and perhaps even “lecture one another.” 😉


May 2012 Synchroblog Participants:


Comments are closed. If you would like to discuss this post, send an email to alan [at] alanknox [dot] net.

  1. 5-8-2012

    Alan, i got to say you do not cease to amaze me. for everyone one of those sarcasms are of the flesh and are death and do not lead to freedom in the spirit of God it is keeping people alive in the flesh from flesh they came and flesh they shall stay. Again no flesh in God’s sight shall ever please God. I still have chosen life and life comes from the Spirit of God, not from the flesh
    Love you regardless for in your Spirit you are alive to God and God is alive to you. the day you first believed. That will never change, whether ones thinking is of the flesh or the spirit. God is faithful this way, so we are learning this as well, yet only in the spirit can one learn towalk uprightly in God. so I will ask please renew your mind to the Spirit so your soul will reflect the truth
    Love always Howard

  2. 5-8-2012


    Yes, one of the purposes of this post was to help us consider whether or not our minds are renewed.


  3. 5-8-2012

    Alan thank you yes the renewing of the mind is incredibly important if one wants out of the traps of this world

  4. 5-9-2012

    Those last two were great!

    As long as we are sitting next to each other and singing with each other, we have fulfilled our responsibilities for fellowship and worship.

  5. 5-9-2012


    Thanks! The last video you posted is from one of my favorite sites. 🙂


  6. 5-9-2012

    Yep that describes my former church too. Especially Abandon One Another
    When the going gets tough, there’s another local church down the street.
    In fact, they are still telling me to do that months later.

  7. 5-10-2012

    These made me laugh, Alan! I always tease my parents that it says, “humor thy parents”! 😉

  8. 5-10-2012


    These “one anothers” still describe me sometimes.


    “Humor thy parents…” That’s a good one.


  9. 5-13-2012

    Very nice take, and I love the points taken. 🙂


  1. Link List – May Synchroblog // Lighten Up: The Art of Laughter, Joy, and Letting Go « synchroblog - [...] Alan Knox – Be Sarcastic With One Another  [...]
  2. Lighten Up: Learning To Let Go From A Man Who Lost It All | Wendy McCaig - [...] Alan Knox – Be Sarcastic With One Another  [...]
  3. {I don’t do Joy, very well} « logic and imagination - [...] Alan Knox – Be Sarcastic With One Another  [...]
  4. Lighten Up: the Art of Laughter, Joy and Letting God – May Synchroblog « Godspace - [...] Alan Knox – Be Sarcastic With One Another  [...]
  5. a little laughter every day. | kathy escobar. - [...] Alan Knox – Be Sarcastic With One Another  [...]
  6. A Spoonful of Sugar « Grace Rules Weblog - [...] Alan Knox – Be Sarcastic With One Another  [...]
  7. Margaritas, Metallica, and a Serious Case of the Giggles | Glenn Hager - [...] Alan Knox - Be Sarcastic With One Another  [...]
  8. Loving Light | The Southern Humanist - [...] Alan Knox – Be Sarcastic With One Another  [...]